Angličtina na háku

Kulturní vložka. No – ano, máte pravdu. Je to jasné. Nemám o čem psát! Sahám na dno! Ano, uchyluji se k tomu, že vykrádám svá školní díla a prokládám je básničkami, aby na blogu byl alespoň nějaký provoz. Nejdříve seminárka o Clavellovi… Hrozné, že? ;)

Dneska se podělím o kus textu, který mi je líto jen tak vyhodit a donutili mne ho napsat v angličtině jako dílo na téma pojednání o čemkoliv v předepsaném stylu prezentace. S Lojzou jsme zapíchli prst do slovníku, čímž jsme získali náhodné téma a jali se tvořit jako obvykle improvizovanou kravinu hodnou téměř i středoškolského intelektu – tak jak jsme byli zvyklí… On psal o sí ou es, tedy o Completely Ordinary Stone, já o červech. Nevím, jestli si lektorka do konce semestru vůbec uvědomila, jak vážně její předmět bereme, ale věřím, že pojala určitá podezření, když si Lojza na zkoušce (nutno podotknouti, že byl ovlivněn jistým počtem piv, jež jsme noc předtím požili) jezdil po lavici s angličáky…


Now, I'd like to tell you sth about worms. I've divided my presentation into 4 parts.

First, let's learn sth about the worms generally. Worms are small ugly animals, which are at this planet to get it's mud more fertile and to be eaten by other bigger animals, or, sometimes also by hungry people.

Second, I'll focus on the look. Worms look like small, but long shoelaces. Most people think they are not beautiful and they don't keep them in their homes as pets. Especially women usually consider worms as really ugly organisms and are afraid of touching them and looking at them, although worms are not agressive and behave politely when some women are in the room.

After that, let's move on to the usability of worms. They are good company for fishing or agriculture. If you live with some birds, such as chickens, you may sometimes invite some worms. Birds are very familiar with them.

The last part of my presentation is about the life of worms. They can obviously appear in this world as a children of another worms. Their death can be caused by eating or smashing them by sth strong. Worms do not regenerate much and physical damage is usually really deadly. Some of them also cannot swim. If you want to invite them at swimming pool, you should ask them firstly about their real abilities.

Thank you for listening and live with worms in peace!